From reviews of 'THE GREEN BOOK OF POETRY' and ‘EARTH POEMS’: 'A book for our time' - Kenneth Baker, The Weekend Telegraph. 'A book for us all' - Septimus Waugh, The Literary Review. 'This book should be open on everyone's kitchen table' - Mark Evans, Village Voice (UK). ' the rest for yourself! It's a book to possess.' Naomi Lewis, London Evening Standard. 'A rather special new book... A more positive reflection on humanity's worth in the world than our species probably deserves' - Michael Viney, The Irish Times. 'A remarkably cosmopolitan gathering' - Desmond Hawkins, New Scientist. 'A revitalising tonic' - Kate Haxell in Harper's and Queen. 'A clarion call to stop poisoning and devastating the earth we live on' - The Keswick Reminder. 'The book I have most admired this year' - Nicholas Mosley, Daily Telegraph. 'An original and ambitious project' - Wanda Barford, Jewish Chronicle. 'Excellent... contains dozens of poems you will enjoy, now and forever' - Gabriel Rosenstock in Poetry Supplement, Education Today. 'Much enjoyed and admired' - Raymond Carr, 'Book of the Year 1993' in The Spectator. 'A surprise on every page' - Russ Greenslade in WWF News. 'Morally uplifting and aesthetically pleasing. An ideal PC present.' Cressida Connolly, Tatler. 'A skillfully woven combination of editorial narrative and poetry, delivering a powerful and refreshingly inspirational message' - Jake Summers, European Bookseller. 'The poets may not all be familiar but their work is both inspiring and beautiful - a rare find' - Vicki Hird, in 'Earth Matters'. 'Brilliant and idiosyncratic; entirely fascinating.' Polly Devlin, in 'The Week' . ‘a brave and gallant effort to re-animate the dying conscience of twentieth century humanity. Quite simply, one of the best anthologies ever.' Brendan Kennelly. 'With this trail-blazing book as inspiration, we see the world as a glittering Indra's Net… It is that rare combination, both provocative and inspiring. Earthy in the best sense of the word. World-embracing. World-enhancing. Buy it. And, more important, read it too.' Selima Hill in 'Resurgence'. BACK TO HOME PAGE The Green Book of Poetry Frontier Publishing 352pp. Hardcover 1993. Paperback 1994. ISBN: 978-1-872914-06-0. £8.95 Earth Poems HarperSanFrancisco, 1996. Paperback, 417pp. ISBN 978-0062512833